
韓国人は嫌いだ カテゴリーのすべての投稿


投稿日: 2016年1月12日 | 投稿者: ★ちょろQコレクション★

ここで、重大な落とし穴を掘ったのです。韓国人が日本に帰化する場合、韓国の離脱証明書が必要です。「韓国籍を抜くのに合意します」という韓国政府の離脱証明書が必要です。ところが、日本国政府はそれを必要としないものだから、司法書士がバンバン帰化させてしまったのです。「貴方は帰化したいのですか? では本国の書類を提出してください」というのが、普通ですが、日本に帰化する場合それがどういうわけだか、それはいらないのです。

「韓ドラなんか見るな!」 中国サイトが次々に「100年前の朝鮮の真実」を紹介

投稿日: 2016年1月9日 | 投稿者: ★ちょろQコレクション★


「韓ドラなんか見るな!」 中国サイトが次々に「100年前の朝鮮の真実」を紹介


画像: 中国では12月下旬から、新浪網、網易など代表的ポータルサイトや歴史情報サイトなどが「韓ドラなんか見るな! これこそ100年前の真実の朝鮮だ」と題して、19世紀末ごろに朝鮮で撮影された複数の写真を紹介する記事を掲載しはじめた。現在でもサイトのトップの目立つ位置から閲覧できるようにしている場合が多い。

 中国では12月下旬から、新浪網、網易など代表的ポータルサイトや歴史情報サイトなどが「韓ドラなんか見るな! これこそ100年前の真実の朝鮮だ」と題して、19世紀末ごろに朝鮮で撮影された複数の写真を紹介する記事を掲載しはじめた。現在でもサイトのトップの目立つ位置から閲覧できるようにしている場合が多い。

 中国では12月下旬から、新浪網、網易など代表的ポータルサイトや歴史情報サイトなどが「韓ドラなんか見るな! これこそ100年前の真実の朝鮮だ」と題して、19世紀末ごろに朝鮮で撮影された複数の写真を紹介する記事を掲載しはじめた。現在でもサイトのトップの目立つ位置から閲覧できるようにしている場合が多い。











投稿日: 2015年8月22日 | 投稿者: ★ちょろQコレクション★


  杉田水脈                                              山本優美子

  前衆議院議員           なでしこアクション代表







ケントさんの記事をシェアしました。日本語と漢字を廃止した某国 わずか70年前の書籍や新聞を全く読めず、真実の歴史に向き合えない。

投稿日: 2015年3月27日 | 投稿者: ★ちょろQコレクション★

【ケント・ギルバート】日本語と漢字を廃止した某国 わずか70年前の書籍や新聞を全く読めず、真実の歴史に向き合えない


    ★【ニッポンの新常識】日本語と漢字を廃止した某国 文献を読めないのは悲劇か喜劇か K・ギルバート氏

Shun Fergusonさんの記者会見の内容をシェアしました

投稿日: 2015年3月16日 | 投稿者: ★ちょろQコレクション★


記者会見では、私が司会を務めさせていただき、全て英語で行われましたので、喋った内容は、英語版の方です。 日本語版は、大まかな内容だと理解してください。




















この慰安婦の強制連行と言う「でっち上げ」は、この吉田清治、そして、それを広めたのが、韓国人を身内に持つ植村隆という記者を要する朝日新聞、そして、それによりお金を得ることができると考えた貪欲な韓国人達や組織、そして、電機、自動車、文化、全ての面で、日本に常に劣等感を持ち、日本を貶め従属させたいと考える韓国政府なのです。 朴大統領の告げ口外交を見ても、明らかにわかります。





このように年金の収入が、単身の場合最大で4,320ドル、夫婦の場合、6,912ドルと、生活できるレベルの収入ではなくなり、高齢者の自殺が、OECDの平均の2.6倍、 2011年には、70歳代では、10万人あたり88.4人、80歳代では、116.9人に登ります。



























Following is what I spoke at the press conference in New York.

For the beginning I sincerely hope that everyone here will not misunderstand the reason why we are here today. We are not trying to rewrite or revise the history.

Those so called Korean comfort women were Japanese citizens living in Korean peninsula during World War II.

They were also the ones who fought against our enemy in the capacity of providing comfort to the Japanese Imperial soldiers, not only physically but also mentally.
They went right behind the battle field to comfort the soldiers who put their lives on the line to defend Japan.
Therefore, we greatly appreciated those unnamed women who served the nation along with our soldiers.

We really feel that no one should degrade the honor of those comfort women.
But unfortunately, there are some groups of people who are continuing to defame the honor of these women.

As everyone knows comfort women issue is a very complex issue so in order to make it a little simple, I want to divide this in 7 subjects. These 7 subjects will cover only a portion of the whole issue but I selected issues which are not very well known but important to consider when we talk about comfort women issue.

No.1 【Who initiated this comfort women story and who exploited this issue for what purpose.】

No.2 【Senior Korean pension and suicide】

No.3 【What is House of Nanum】

No.4 【History text book of Korean high school】

No.5 【Gangster Strategies】

No.6 【Revisionism】

No.7 【Are comfort women sex slaves?】

No.1 【Who initiated this comfort women story and who exploited this issue for what purpose.】

Japan is a democratic nation enjoying freedom of speech, freedom of expression.
But Korea, who is critical about Japan on this issue, has limited freedom of speech and limited freedom of expression especially the contentious issues with Japan.
It is not easy to study this issue even in academia in South Korea.

Professor Lee Yong-hoon who studied this issue spending a lot of time, came to a conclusion.
He addressed Korean people at a conference to speak about his study.
The result was, he could not find any concrete evidence to prove any trace of kidnapping or forcible draft of comfort women after he interviewed many self-proclaimed former comfort women.

During his speech, he was attacked and beat up by audiences there at the conference.
Because his conclusion did not correspond with their expectation of the victimhood business.
Finally after being beat up and humiliated, he had to apologize to the self-proclaimed former comfort women in order to keep his position at the Seoul University.

There is an another honorary Professor at Seoul University named An Byeong-jik who also studied about this issue but could not find any traces showing forcible draft of women.

The significance of this professor was, he sided with an organization critical of Japan named “The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan” and conducted investigations together with this organization.
But after spending 3 years on this study, he concluded that the group who he was working with was fabricating the history just to extract money from Japan.
Because he is an honest man, he could not accept this fraud.

Also, there is another professor of Sejong University named Ms. Park Yu-ha who published a book in August 2013 titled “Teikoku no Ianfu” which is “Comfort women of empire.”
She stated in this book, both Japan and Korea need to be responsible.

She was sued by self-proclaimed former comfort women, (actuality is a comfort women support group) because they claimed that her book is defamation of character. Korean court announced a verdict to ban publishing the book unless 34 parts of her book were deleted.

These 3 incidents related to Korean university professors obviously telling that anyone opposing to those two groups of comfort women supporters are punished harshly. There is no freedom of speech or freedom of expression in South Korea related to this issue. It is just like a country lacking basic human rights all of us enjoy in this room.

An editor of Sankei Newspaper Seoul bureau Mr. Tasuya Kato arrested because what he wrote for a Japanese newspaper was considered defamation of President Park. Although what he wrote for the Japanese newspaper was just an article cited from Korean newspaper.

Now we need to clarify who initiated this comfort women issue.
Surprisingly, this issue is initiated by Japanese people.
Initially, a Japanese communist whose name is Seiji Yoshida.
Do you know that we have communist party in Japan? The name of the party is “Japan communist party. It exists even today and they have 33 seats in the congress. It’s not a joke.

Yoshida was Japanese military personnel who served in Korean peninsula during WWII. After the war, he came back to Japan and issued a book titled “My war crime.”
In this book, he stated that he kidnapped well over 200 women to make them comfort women by the order of Japanese military.

Korean news media went the island called Cheju Island to know the legitimacy of his claim. Also Japanese historians and journalists investigated but could not find any traces of forcible draft. According to the Cheju news paper’s interviews in the islands, people living there said, “If anyone who kidnapped a single girl from around 200 houses, it would be a big news. It is impossible to kidnap over 200 people secretly from this island.”

Later, Yoshida was interviewed by a magazine company and they pressed him an answer.
He testified “If I wrote what I experience, the book would not be sold well.” “It is same as you news media people are doing.” He suddenly took a defiant attitude toward the interviewer.

But the problem was not ended at the point.
The book was reported by an editor named Takashi Uemura of Asahi News paper on their paper several times.
The news was spread out to Korea and the book was translated into Korean language and published in South Korea.

The wife of the editor at Asahi Shinbun was happened to be a Korean woman whose mother was a Chair person of “The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan.”
What? Mother in law of this editor of Asahi shinbun was a chair person of an organization who has been demanding apology and compensation?
We came to know the system they established to earn money.
Although it was obvious that the news articles he wrote were all based on the false, Asahi newspaper company did not correct those articles and left it as they were.

Last year, we spent a lot of effort to investigate what actually happened with this Asahi newspaper company, many of Japanese protested against the company to correct those wrongly written articles and finally they gave up to maintain the old articles written based on the false and corrected 16 articles which were incorrect. Later they corrected another two articles related.

As I stated earlier, the wife of this Japanese editor is Korean,
Therefore mother in law is Korean who is also a chair person of a group of comfort women to extract money from Japanese government.
She claimed that anyone who was certain age during the war can be a member of the group if you pay the membership fee, in return, you will get big money back when the group succeeded to get compensation from the Japanese government.

The paramount reason of this comfort women issue is, those who are trying to get money is trying to let the people to see the history by current cultural standard emotionally.

This false story of comfort women was started by Seiji Yoshida’s book then Takashi Uemura who has Korean wife and relatives took advantage of his position to spread Yoshida’s lie by writing to the newspaper repeatedly to bring benefit to the organization his mother in law runs by distorting the story further to exploit the emotion of innocent people by telling sad and touchy story.

Above of it, Korean government found it is usable issue to avoid the frustration directed to them from their own people and shift it to this comfort women issue to release the pressure to the government.

No.2 【Senior Korean pension and suicide】

Korean people who paid over 10 years for social welfare can get pension after 60 years old. It is selectable either from 55 or 60.
But the pension they get is maximum $360 per person or $576 per couple per month. Avarage pension is around $280 per month.

Even the people who get maximum amount makes $4,320 per person or $6,912 per couple.
The average income of workers in Korea is $69,120 according to Korean government.

By comparing the income while working and on pension is so much different and almost impossible for the people to keep their daily life.

This poverty put the elderly people to commit suicide.
Over half of the suicide in Korea is age over 70.

In 2011, the number of suicide committed by those elderly people is 2.6 times more than the average of OECD member nations which are 88.4 per 100,000 in the age of 70s and 116.9 in the age of 80s.

This makes easy for those two major comfort women groups to exploit the poverty of these low income elderly people by saying that “if you become a member of the group, you will be paid good amount when Japanese government pays reparation.”

The worst part of these groups were correcting money from those poor elderly people to be a member to get the rights to be paid when it is successful.
But the plan did not work and those people who cheated elderly people were arrested by authority but the groups are still searching for the chance.

Interestingly, when Japanese government sat up fund to support those women, some of those former comfort women received money from this fund but as it was not paid to the organizations, that organizations started criticizing, bushing and bullying those self-proclaimed former comfort women who received money. Because those organizations did not get any of them.

The organizations who are supporting comfort women to get money are;
1. Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan and
2. Association for the Pacific war victims
The mother in law of Takashi Uemura who wrote those misleading articles is a board member of this organization.

Many of those elderly people are not getting pension.
Because you need to pay for 10 years at least.
Even the people who are in pension getting $4,000 to $6,000 annually.
This is why many elderly people are committing suicide.
Poverty of elderly people is now over 50% from the entire population over 70 year old.

But if anyone who are certified by government that who used work as comfort women get a right to live in the facility named “House of Nanum” or “House of Share.”

No.3 【What is House of Nanum】

A Korean Buddhist organization established a facility to plant those women who were certified that they were former comfort women which is called “House of Nanum” or “House of Share.”

This establishment is run by donation.
But there is another reason of existence of this facility.

There were a women named Kim Hak-sun and a few other women came forward in 1991, they filed a law suit to Japanese government to demand compensation.

In November 2004, Japanese Supreme Court dismissed the cause of this law suit. Because she testified that she was sold by her father in law to the Kisaeng House which is basically Koran official whorehouse.
This means the prostitutes were public servant in Korea.

At the same time, she was invited to speak at a program on NHK because the comfort women issue was/is a big issue at the time.

Nobuo Ikeda who was a director of the NHK documentary program trying to make a program to prove or accuse the forcible drafts of Japanese Imperial Military.

He testified that before the interview of the former comfort women, a Japanese lawyer named Mizuho Fukushima was lecturing to those women what to speak at the interview repeatedly in the backstage.
She was acting words making up the dialogue of interview.
She was a lawyer to those comfort women who filed a law suit against Japanese government.

Another comfort woman testified that she was kidnaped by Japanese soldiers and forced into Jeep. Same women also said “I had to have more customers during the Christmas time.”
We did not have jeep at that time, also we are not Christian nation so there is no days off during that period of Christmas.
We think she was working for US soldiers during Korean war from her testimony.

Some other comfort women said they were forced to be sex slave to work in Taiwan, Toyama prefecture and Busan Korea.
We did not have comfort station in those particular areas.

As you can see, if those comfort women supporters let those women to speak freely, they testify different thing at each interview.
This is why they needed to have “House of Nanumu” or in English “House of Sharing” to isolate those comfort women not to get interviewed.

Surprisingly, the manager of this House of Nanum forced the female workers to have sexual contact with the manager. They forced to have sexual contact 2 to 3 times in a month according to the testimony of those victims.
This is not a joke. The manager is sent by the religious organization who established this house of nanum. The managers were monks.
After this incident came out, those managers were fired.

No.4 【History text book of Korean high school】

Until 2010, there was only one text book called “National history” which was issued by Korean government.
Every student studied by the same text book.
The meaning of this is, which is similar to the bible for Christian or Coran for the Muslim. What is written in the bible is the obligatory for the people who believe the religion.

In Japan, there are about 9 private publishers who are making and printing text books for Japanese students and the contents in the text book is not the same for every text book.
Each publisher needs to follow the guide line which is provided by Ministry of education but as long as the contents given to them by government is included, it is free for them to add further on it or other prospective.

I’ve read the Korean history text book which was published by Korean government.
Even on the same page, upper side and lower side on the same page is contradictory.

Now what will happen if someone study by this National text book?
If it states that the number of forced sexual slavery was 200,000, they all believe it.
No exception. Because if someone said 300,000 or 150,000 were forced, then the one who answered it will be told “You need to study more, it is 200,000.”
If any question related to this at their exam, they need to answer 200,000.
It is the only correct answer for them. Them means all Korean people.

After students graduated school who learned by this National History text book, they realized that what they learned is different from what other people learned in other countries.
Within Korea, everyone learned by same text book so there is no exception and everyone says same thing so it is natural for them and it became a kind of common sense for them.

So when those people faces to the different idea or though, they strived to fabricate to match to what they have learned even telling a lots of lies. It’s just like cult organization.

No.5 【Gangster Strategies】

When we talk about comfort women issue in abroad, leftist always label us “revisionist” “nationalist” and “far rightwinger.”
Also we are often told by those leftists, “Even Japanese government confirmed that there were forcible abductions by Kono statement which Chief Cabinet Secretary Kono spoke.”
But if you read Kono statement closely, there is no potion admitting forcible abduction.

In Japan, we have groups of people called “Yakuza” which is equivalent to Mafia or gungsters.
Yakuza deliberately gets hit by an automobile from behind for the purpose of extortion; an automobile accident fraud.
They use handbrake not to light the stop light of the automobile.

Then the Yakuza driver who was hit in the rear emerges from the vehicle with smile on his face to calm down the situation says, “I am all right and my car is not damaged so no need to call police.” “But just in case, I hope you to write that you will fully responsible in case if I suffer any injuries within the next couple of days.”

If you signs the paper, you will get a call from Yakuza next day or so claiming that he is experience in pain on his neck and back. As you signed the paper you need to bring money to the Yakuza. This is how they make money.

In this comfort women issue, Nation of Korea applied exactly same tactics toward Japan.

In March 1993, South Korean President Kim Yong sam stated in his speech, “We’ve decided not ask Japan for further compensation as long as we get official apology.”

Then Japanese government negotiated about the wording of Kono statement which was the official apology from Japanese government.

Korean government requested correction on 11 points in which Japanese government agreed 10 out of 11 requested changes including the word “force” or “forcible abduction.”
This statement was what the Korean government requested and approved..
Japanese government announced this statement in August 1993.

Right after the release of this Kono statement, the South Korean government went back on their word and started demanding another apology and second round of compensation.

Japanese government wanted to move ahead and keep the past in the past that was the reason for issuing the apology in the Kono statement although we had treaty in 1965 between South Korea and Japan to finalize any further claim, as you can see, that did not work eiher.

No.6 【Revisionism】

Whenever and wherever we go to explain for the comfort women issue, those who oppose us label us “Far right wingers,” “Revisionists” and “Nationalists”
But the actual people who revised the history were the Asahi newspaper and Koreans.
In 1991, all of sudden, this issue came under the light.
This means those who fabricated the truth at that time have to be the one who needed to be condemned as revisionists.
This issue was dormant for 46 years after the war and all of sudden it was resurrected in 1991. Why the silence for 46 years?

No.7 【Are comfort women sex slaves?】

The individual who started using this term is Japanese lawyer named Etsuro Totsuka in 1992 February in Geneva at the UN human rights committee.
I had an opportunity to talk with this gentleman last July in Geneva at UN.
I asked him why did you present this issue to the UN.
He explained to me that he has been sending over 20 bills in 34 years related to human right abuses to the UN human rights committee but none of them were accepted.
But when he changed the term from comfort women to Sex slave, immediately, the UN human rights committee reacted positively and adopted the term he created.

So I questioned him again, why did you do it. His reply was, “It was just my imagination. I am proud of it” he said with full of smile on his face.

The slave or slavery for the western culture is very sensitive as it should be.
So the use of this term by the lawyer was calculated to invoke emotions from people in the West.

In the US army report No.49 clearly stated that the women were nothing more than well paid prostitutes or camp followers.
The reason why this issue became so complex is, once again, it was initiated by Japanese people. South Koreans are just exploiting this ignorant behavior of Japanese.
This comfort women story was initiated by Japanese, lawyers found it will be beneficial, Asahi newspaper found it is profitable and Japanese changed the term from comfort women to Sex slave. The number of comfort women which is said now 200,000 was also initiated by a Japanese lawmaker.

Thank you very much.

【野口裕之の軍事情勢】 イスラム国の蛮行で暴かれる「韓国が知られたくない恥史」

投稿日: 2015年2月2日 | 投稿者: ★ちょろQコレクション★


















 おびただしい数の韓国人が難を逃れ、日本に密入国し、大半が居座った。そうか。(南北)朝鮮とイスラム国の最大の共通項は凶暴で残忍。であるが故に大量の死者・棄民を輩出しても心痛まぬ思考回路。まだある。日本を歴史捏造でいたぶり、つきまとって離さぬ韓国。日本人を拉致・誘拐する北朝鮮とイスラム国。わが国を「解放」でじらす外道ぶりはソックリだ。(政治部専門委員 野口裕之/SANKEI EXPRESS

元朝日・植村隆の呼びかけ文⇒ねつ造記事で日本国を貶めながら、 すっかり被害者づらして、自分の家族の心配だけしてやがる。…

投稿日: 2014年10月6日 | 投稿者: ★ちょろQコレクション★

【 元朝日・植村隆の呼びかけ文 】



















投稿日: 2014年8月23日 | 投稿者: ★ちょろQコレクション★

なにが日本の強制連行だ! 朝鮮人の日常的な人身売買を日本の警察は一生懸命取り締まり被害少女たちを救ってきた よく見ろ!これが朝鮮側が報道した貴重な証拠記事だ!



読売新聞系の「The Japan News」が「朝日新聞の捏造記事」を英文で報道しています。

投稿日: 2014年8月15日 | 投稿者: ★ちょろQコレクション★

August 10, 2014

The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun


ALL GENRES Top Politics Society Business World Sports Editorial Features Columns Learning Lab Culture Pop & Cool World Cup Top News Stories Event Products Q&A

Asahi Shimbun makes long-overdue corrections over ‘comfort women’


7:52 pm, August 06, 2014

The Yomiuri ShimbunAfter a review of its reports on the so-called comfort women issue, which has become a huge thorn in the side of Japan-South Korea ties, The Asahi Shimbun has admitted its mistakes in the reports—albeit partially—and retracted some of the contents.

The retractions allude to reports on remarks by Seiji Yoshida, who claimed to have forcibly taken away local women from Jeju Island, South Korea, to make them serve as comfort women. During World War II, Yoshida was said to be the former head of the mobilization department of the Shimonoseki Branch of Romu Hokoku-kai, an organization in charge of recruiting laborers.

In September 1982, the newspaper reported—without verification—the remarks of Yoshida, who claimed to have “hunted up 200 young Korean women in Jeju Island.”

Misperceptions about Japan

The report added fuel to anti-Japan sentiment in South Korea, and also became a basis of misperception of Japan spreading through the world. In its Tuesday morning edition, the Asahi concluded—for the first time—that Yoshida’s remarks were baseless, and finally retracted the newspaper’s reports regarding the remarks.

We cannot help but point out the correction should have been made at a much earlier stage. Doubts about Yoshida’s remarks have been raised as early as 1992. The newspaper’s negligence in allowing the issue to linger for more than 20 years is deplorable.

The Asahi has, by its own account, reported about Yoshida on at least 16 occasions. Historian Ikuhiko Hata raised doubts over Yoshida’s remarks in 1992, but the newspaper has long refrained from making a correction.

In March 1997, The Asahi Shimbun carried a special article on the reports about the comfort women issue. However, the newspaper only said it was unable to confirm the authenticity of Yoshida’s remarks.

Yoshida’s remarks were cited by a 1996 U.N. Human Rights Commission report compiled by Radhika Coomaraswamy, helping propagate a misunderstanding in the international community that the forcible recruitment of comfort women took place.

Another serious problem with the Asahi’s reports is the mix-up between comfort women and female volunteer corps.

In a front-page article carried in January 1992, the Asahi stated that “South Korean women became the major target of forcible recruitment conducted in the name of the female volunteer corps. The estimated number [of victims] range from 80,000 to 200,000.”

The report was issued just before then Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa’s visit to South Korea. It prompted the government to conduct an investigation into the comfort women issue, resulting in a statement issued by then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono, which expressed the government’s “sincere apologies and remorse” to former comfort women.

In Tuesday morning’s edition, the Asahi admitted its mistake over the mix-up for the first time, saying that the female volunteer corps refers to groups of women mobilized for work in munitions factories and elsewhere during wartime and are “completely different” from comfort women.

“We have been working not to confuse the two since 1993,” the newspaper said in the Tuesday edition. However, the Asahi’s reports have prompted the false understanding that even girls of primary school age were recruited as comfort women.

The Asahi defended its coverage by saying in its two-page spread: “Little progress had been made in investigating the comfort women issue at that time. Some documents to which [Asahi] reporters referred contained statements in which the female volunteer corps was mixed up with the comfort women.” Then the special feature said that some other national dailies had also published articles containing a similar mix-up.

In reporting on the female volunteer corps and Yoshida in initial stages, The Yomiuri Shimbun also ran some stories including factual errors. In the late 1990s and onward, however, we corrected such errors through our editorials and other articles.

Assertions unchanged

We question the Asahi’s assertions about how so-called comfort women were kept at facilities to provide sex for soldiers. Though the heart of the matter was whether they were recruited by force, the national daily argued that great importance must be attached to the fact that those women were caught in a situation marked by “a coercive nature” with which they had been “deprived of freedom.”

In initial stages, the Asahi continued to insist the crux of the problem was that these women had been forcibly recruited, citing testimony from Yoshida and other sources. However, the testimony and data used by the paper as a basis for its reasoning were later disproved. Then the Asahi started to argue that the retention of those women in facilities had a coercive nature.

The Asahi’s assertion has remained fundamentally unchanged in this respect, as illustrated by its latest feature, which stated that the essence of the problem lies in the fact that “women were deprived of freedom in brothels, and their dignity was violated.”

There is no doubt that a large number of women, including those from the Philippines and Indonesia, had their honor and dignity injured during World War II. There may have been cases deemed inexcusable from a present-day human rights perspective, even if no coercive action was taken by the prewar government and the military.

Still, it is necessary to discuss two issues related to the whole controversy as separate matters—that is, how to deal with sex-related issues facing soldiers and whether the Japanese wartime military was involved in forcibly recruiting women for the provision of sex.

Questions can be asked as to the appropriateness of calling the Japanese government to task by insisting coerciveness was prevalent in the provision of sex by those women in a broad sense of the term. We believe focusing on such questions is an attempt to sidestep the real issue.

Gaining a proper perception of history requires thorough efforts to uncover the whole truth behind any historical issue.

Better Japan-ROK ties needed

South Korean President Park Geun-hye strongly opposed a report issued by the Japanese government in June regarding the results of investigations into how the so-called Kono statement on comfort women was drafted and issued in 1993, using Coomaraswamy’s U.N. report and other data as a basis for her assertion. Her unbending hard-line stance on Japan is unlikely to change.

The government should not easily compromise on the controversy. It must persist in urging South Koreans to gain a proper understanding of our government’s stance on the comfort women dispute.

Relations between Japan and South Korea are strained today. There has been no summit meeting between the two nations for more than two years. We hope the media and the public in both nations will come to have an accurate grasp of all the facts, a task essential for their respective efforts to build a future-oriented relationship between the two neighbors.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Aug. 6, 2014)

まずは皆様ご自身で記事の保存をおこなっていただき、あらゆる「つて」を頼りに拡散をお願いいたします。朝日新聞は、「自分たちの犯罪行為」を世界に謝罪する気はないようです。 ならば「私たちの手」で情報の拡散をおこなうしかありません。日本国民と世界中に暮らす日本人の名誉を傷つけながら反省もせず、謝罪行為をおこなわない朝日新聞関係者への攻撃を強めると同時に、「朝日のウソ」「韓国のウソ」を世界中に伝えましょう。記事の一部をご紹介します。

Misperceptions about Japan 


The report added fuel to anti-Japan sentiment in South Korea, and also became a basis of misperception of Japan spreading through the world. In its Tuesday morning edition, the Asahi concluded—for the first time—that Yoshida’s remarks were baseless, and finally retracted the newspaper’s reports regarding the remarks.

 (朝日新聞の)その報道は、韓国の反日感情に燃料を注ぎ、世界中に広がっている日本への誤解の基礎になった。 火曜日の朝日新聞はその朝刊で-初めて-「吉田の証言には根拠がない」ことを認め、最終的にその証言に関する新聞報道を取り消した。

 We cannot help but point out the correction should have been made at a much earlier stage. Doubts about Yoshida’s remarks have been raised as early as 1992. The newspaper’s negligence in allowing the issue to linger for more than 20 years is deplorable.

 私たちは、「(朝日新聞は)もっと早い時点で訂正をおこなうべきであった」と指摘せざるをえない。吉田証言への疑念は早くも1992年から提起されていた。 20年以上も問題を引きずっている「朝日新聞の誤報」は嘆かわしいかぎりだ。 (一部抜粋)http://megalodon.jp/2014-0810-1647-44/the-japan-news.com/news/article/0001478078




正直言って、日本国内に存在する新聞社で、日本のみならず海外にまでデマ情報を日常的に拡散し、これほどまで「日本を辱め、日本人を苦しめた」新聞社は「朝日が史上最悪」でしょう。遅かれ早かれ、木村伊量には何らかの天罰が下ることになるでしょうが、私たち日本国民はもっと怒るべきです。朝日がやっているのは、バカな韓国人を扇動して、日本人を攻撃させているのですから。 朝日新聞関係者全員が、日本国民と、アメリカで韓国人から攻撃を受けている日系人、在米日本人に謝罪すべきです。 手遅れにならないうちにすぐに!


投稿日: 2014年7月17日 | 投稿者: ★ちょろQコレクション★


2014-07-17 10:51:04NEW !




 今日は「時事通信」が大変興味深い「米調査機関ピュー・リサーチ・センター」の調査結果を紹介してくれています。 この調査から見えてくるものは、私たちの祖国・日本が内在させている「問題点」さえも指摘しています。 まずは記事を読んでみましょう。


【ワシントン時事】安倍晋三首相が進める外交政策はアジアの多くの国で支持が高いが、中国と韓国では不支持が圧倒的。 米調査機関ピュー・リサーチ・センターが14日に発表した世論調査で、こんな実態が明らかになった。 同センターは4月、アジア11カ国と米国で調査を行い、「安倍首相は世界情勢の中で正しいことをしているか」と各国国民に質問した。その結果、支持が最も高かったのは、中国と領土紛争を抱えるベトナムの65%。

image「Confidence」は「信用できる」です。「No confidence」は「信用できない」で、「Don’t know」は「わからない」です。 私が大変興味を持ったのは、もちろん「No confidence」ですが、高い順に「韓国94%、中国70%、日本40%」となっていますよね。つまり、「韓国と中国は特殊な傾向」を示しており、日本の40%もその「特殊な傾向」の影響を受けているということです。これはふだん私たちが感じている「中国の工作」「韓国の工作」をものの見事に証明していますね。特に韓国の94%」という数字は、韓国という国家が、中国以上に「言論統制」が進んだ「物言えぬ国家」であることも証明しています。韓国の「反日病」はもはや治療不可能の時点に来ているんですね。

と同時に、この韓国の「意向」をストレートに反映しているのが在日韓国人と、その政治組織の「民団」なんです。私はこの数字を見て背筋に寒気を感じました。現在、ネット上においても、安倍総理への「殺害予告」とも取れるコメントが流れています。こういうのって、やはり「在日韓国人の仕業」だとすると、これは完全な「内政干渉」ですよね。韓国による日本への内政干渉に対して、私たち日本人の側に、韓国に対してカウンターをおこなう組織はあるのか? 私の知る限りでは、日本の愛国勢力にはその力はないでしょう。 それこそ、在日韓国人に「外患誘致罪や外患援助罪」を適用して国外追放できるような状況を作らない限り、「韓国のやり放題」が今後も続くのではないでしょうか。





日本は私たち日本人の国です。韓国人や中国人の「やりたい放題が出来る場所」にさせてはいけません。特に「情報をゆがめる」ことは絶対に許してはいけません。日本の情報は中国や韓国によってゆがめられている」ことを一人でも多くの日本人に伝えていきたいですね。私たちは、中国人や韓国人の陰謀に絶対に負けてはいけないのです! By なでしこりん
